Category Archives: Healthy Food Essentials

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds. Delightful Sesame Halva Recipe

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of copper and a very good source of manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, molybdenum, selenium and dietary fiber.

Health benefits, amongst others, include

  • Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Vascular and Respiratory Health Support
  • Colon Cancer, Osteoporosis, Migraine and PMS Prevention
  • Zinc for Bone Health
  • Sesame Seeds’ Phytosterols Lower Cholesterol


The great news is that sesame seeds are delicious and easy to incorporate in most of the dishes. Here is one example.

Delightful Healthy Sesame Halva Recipe

Halva is a dense, sweet dessert commonly made in the Balkans and many Eastern parts of the world with each region having its own traditional recipe for making it.

This healthy and easy raw halva recipe uses only 3 ingredients: sesame, honey and coconut oil.

Preparation time: 15 minutes


  • 400g sesame
  • 40-50g coconut oil
  • 400g raw honey
  • Some crushed nuts (walnuts, almonds etc) (optional)

Toast the sesame seeds for few minutes until they slightly darken.

Cool and then put in the food processor.

Add coconut oil (previously warmed up). Blend it all.

Add the honey and the nuts. Put in the mold and refrigerate for half an hour.



Juicing = Longevity

Juicing For Thriving In a Toxic World

vegetable juice

We need around (6-8 servings!) of vegetables and fruit every day. Eating cooked vegetables doesn’t fully count as typically many nutrients are lost during the preparation and cooking process. Fruit in general contains high amount of fructose and we need to be careful and limit the intake.  This all means we need to consume a tons of vegetables, which may not be an easy task especially if you live a busy life or don’t particularly fancy eating them.

That’s why juicing tends to be the easiest way to reach our daily requirement.

Juicing also helps us better absorb the nutrients from the vegetables as well as using a wider variety of vegetables than we would typically eat.

When you drink freshly made green juice, it is almost like receiving an intravenous infusion of vitamins, minerals and enzymes because they go straight into your system without having to be broken down. When your body has an abundance of the nutrients it needs you will feel energized and your immune system will get a boost.

Green vegetable juicing ensures enough nutrients for optimal health, including about 300 mg of potassium per glass. By removing the fiber we are able to consume large volume of natural potassium.

  • For juicing beginners (those in good health) it is acceptable to include both fruits and vegetables otherwise it may become difficult to get used to green juicing. Juicing fruits is somewhat controversial due to high amounts of fructose that can be harmful especially if you are overweight, have high blood pressure etc.
  • Organic vegetables and fruits are free of pesticides and our best choice.
  • If you don’t have a juicer please consider getting one, it is one of the best investments for your health and if you are sick it may as well save your life!
  • You don’t need a fancy and super expensive one, but you do need a good quality and strong juicer (at last 700W) to be able to get the full benefit and also juice leafy vegetables, wheatgrass etc.  I have a Samson and pretty happy with its performance. Alternatively you can use blender, add some water and pass the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer.
  • If you are new to juicing, take it easy and mix it with some fruits at the beginning. Take couple of “lighter” taste  vegetables (e.g. cucumber (peel it), fennel, carrot or spinach) and add lemon, lime, apple or ginger to improve taste.  A great recipe for beginners is a “Miracle Drink” – juice from apples, beet root (with leaves) and carrots.  It’s a powerful detox, immune system booster, great for eyesight, low hemoglobin, anemia, leukemia and cancer.
  • Follow these links to find few good recipes for juicing beginners. Jamie Oliver Juicing Recipes  or Gwyneth Paltrow Juice Recipes
  • When you get used to juicing, shift slowly towards more vegetables and less sweet fruits. Lime and lemons will always stay a great addition even for “hard core nutrition connoisseurs” as they contain limited amount of fructose.

Juice In, Love Out  🙂 

Feel-Good Protein

Protein – An Indispensable Nutrient

  • Proteins are nutrients that are essential for our body. Meat, eggs, cheese and other foods from animal sources contain complete proteins that our body need and can’t make on its own.
  • We need approximately 1 gr of protein for 1 kg of weight (this is approximate, you will find all kind of different opinions and competing studies). For your reference, one egg has 6 grams of protein, cup of milk 8 grams, 80 gr steak will provide 20 to 25 grams of protein.
  • High quality, organic eggs are an excellent source of protein. Contrary to what we are led to believe there are a number of proponents like for example Dr. Mercola that support the statement that we can easily eat a dozen of raw eggs per week.Egg 810
  • All conventional animal protein (meat, eggs) fish and dairy are easily contaminated with dangerous hormones or pollutants and we need to make an effort to search for high quality, organic animal protein.
  • Pork meat is best to avoid as even pastured pigs have been found to be vulnerable to Trichinella parasite.
  • Soy (except fermented soy products like tempeh, miso and natto) is not a healthy food, despite popular belief. Among many other issues, intake of soy weakens our immune system, soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function, cause infertility and promote breast cancer, cause hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer etc.
  •  Fish and seafood is great source of protein, but unfortunately  often contaminated with mercury and other toxins.

Key Things to Remember

Protein is an indispensable nutrient and we need to ensure a necessary intake of high-quality protein on a daily basis. Great sources:

  • Meat (organic, hormone free). All meats, including poultry with exception of pork.
  • Eggs (organic, cage-free) – best to consume them raw or lightly boiled/cooked.
  • Fish – deep or cold water wild/ caught. Avoid sorts that are likely to be contaminated with mercury etc.
  • Raw dairy (butter from raw milk, cheese from raw milk, raw or lightly pasteurized milk, yogurt)
  • Beans are sources of good, but not complete, proteins.

 Sources and Credits