Category Archives: Quick & Easy DIY Beauty Recipes

Japanese Beauty Secret

Japanese Beauty SecretWhat Japanese Ladies Have Known for Centuries…

Besides being the staple food, the rice also has been part of Japanese women’s beauty rituals since ancient times.

Geisha used leftover water from washing rice in the bath for smooth and luminous skin. The rice has been appreciated for its ability to make the skin clearer, brighter, provide even tone, lessen the dark spots and give the skin a smooth texture.

The rice promotes collagen production due to the presence of linoleic acid. As a result the rice is able to diminish the wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

Japanese Beauty SecretSimple Rice Mask

Mix some rice flour or powder with some mineral water, apply and leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off gently with warm water.

Instead of water you can use milk or yogurt and add some honey.

Rice Water

Wash and cook the rice and use the leftover water. Wet the cloth or towel and pat onto your skin for few minutes. Let your skin air dry. Feel the difference 🙂

Japanese Beauty Secret RiceWhich Rice to Use?

Which rice is most beneficial (from over 40,000 types of rice, including white, brown, black, and wild varieties) is a complex and controversial topic. Some advocate white over brown, some wild over brown etc. More serious concern to me that today most of the rice contain arsenic (this is due to the rice being grown in contaminated soils) and some rice contains even plastic.

I concluded that all varieties of rice are good in moderation but it has to be organic and preferably Jasmine rice from Thailand and Basmati rice from Pakistan and India as they have been shown to contain the least arsenic among rice varieties.

In addition, adding whole rice bran to your diet can offer a rich source of Vitamin E and linoleic acids which benefit your skin and your body.

Rice bran oil also contains squalene, a potent antioxidant, and gamma oryznol, which helps heart health and reduces cholesterol.

Rice bran oil is very good to use for cooking as it can support higher temperatures.

Be Beautiful Inside and Out


The simple concept of cleansing the facial skin with oils is based on the fact that oil dissolves oil.

The soaps strip the oil out of the skin, leaving the skin trying to repair itself by producing more and more oil.

The answer is in cleaning the face with oils.

You can try it with pure coconut oil or olive oil (always use extra virgin) or oil mix according to your skin type.  We also like enriching it with a blend of essential oils like lavender or tea tree; if you don’t like experimenting, you can visit our shop and order here


1. Put few drops in your palm and spread it over your face and neck.

2. Massage your face and neck for couple of minutes allowing the oils to penetrate the skin.

3. Take a small towel and run in under a very warm water (as warm as you can bear without burning yourself). Put in on face and wait until the steam does its work for couple of minutes.

4. Wipe off the face with the towel and repeat once more if needed. Do not overdo it, rather make sure you leave a thin protective layer. No need to put the daily cream afterwards unless you have a very dry skin.

5. Enjoy your silky, softened and nicely hydrated skin 🙂

P.S if you have been using soaps to clean the face for long time, your skin will need up to 7 days to adapt to the new way of washing (it may still produce excess oils) before you see the real results.  Be patient 🙂

Beautifying Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea Salts Vetiver Body Scrub

Dead Sea Salt Body Scrub

Dead Sea Salt Body Scrub is one of the great ways to receive the therapeutic and beautifying benefits of Dead Sea salt mineral-rich substance.

I recently formulated a new recipe and my daughter and her girlfriends really liked the aroma, freshness and the smoothness of the skin after application.

When creating the recipe I  went after the beautifying and anti-aging properties which I am going to briefly cover.

Dead Sea salt has been used for centuries to treat skin disorders, detox and speed up healing of the body. Dead Sea salt has a much lower sodium content, compared to the regular salt and contains minerals that nourish the skin and body.

Dead Sea salt is renowned for its anti-aging ability to renew the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, smooth and soften, and leave skin rejuvenated.

The study performed by the University of Kiel in Germany demonstrated that the minerals in Dead Sea Salt can “bind water, influence epidermal proliferation and differentiation, and enhance permeability barrier repair”. Essentially this means that minerals help the skin to stay moisturized which prevents forming of the wrinkles.

Carefully chosen essential oils blend in this recipe not only provides the healing and anti-aging benefits but has a beautiful, fresh and attractive aroma that will make you look forward to your next bathing.

Dead Sea Salts Vetiver Body ScrubDead Sea Salt Body Scrub

150-160gr of unrefined Dead Sea salts

40-50 grams of extra virgin organic coconut and  sweet almond oil

Few drops of essential oils of your choice. I like using vetiver, mint and lemon.

Directions:  In a bowl add the salts (if too coarse break them in food processor), oils (warm up the coconut oil a little)  and essential oils.

Mix everything together and pour in a recipient.

In case you are not into making it yourself we can make it for you. Order it from our e-shop by following this link.

Dead Sea Salts Vetiver Body Scrub